Under the protective arms of the American Zeus, Europe so far had a peaceful sleep I mean in the night. US disinterest in continuing this godfather relationship has sent shivers through the spines of Europeans. The last thing they wish is the exit of their night-watchman. What is the reality test?
Trump does not brook nonsense. He wants to make America great again. Having learnt bitter lessons during his Trump 1.0 he is hell-bent in downsizing the deep state with in USA and demolishing the liberal, global, selfish cabal that hitherto operated freely to the detriment of US national interest. More than geopolitics or geo-strategy it is geoeconomics compulsion that forces Trump to reverse US presence in Europe and her posture as defender of Europe.
The nightmare stalks both the strong and the weak equally across the wide European landscape. Already the continent is in bad shape economically. Even the so-called engine of European prosperity, Germany is shearing at her seems. For most Europeans America was not only sugar daddy but the second home to take refuge in case of turmoil of political or economic nature.
Europe has to produce a lot to sell. A major destination of her high-valued exports, undoubtedly is America. Collectively European Union exported a colossal USD 545 Billion to the US in 2024, with top billings in medical and pharmaceutical products, motor vehicles and machinery. Interestingly US is the EU's largest partner for exports.
Can china fill the gap if USA applies the brake in EU exports to the latter?
Look at the maths. In 2024 total exports volume of Europe to China was USD 230 Billion. Putting it another way, America buys more than 2.4 times what Chinese buy from Europe. Interestingly the items exported to China include mainly auto components, machinery & chemicals that serve as inputs or intermediate items for the Chinese manufacturing in a big way. True enough, there are other manufactured items such as motor cars but these are not essentially big deals for the Union.
If you compare the volume as well as the purpose of the products exported to America and China by EU, it is clear that end-users of European products in USA are citizens whereas the major portion of EU products go for industrial use in China. While Americans pay for the EU imports via sweat and labour making a big hole in their purse, as well as purchasing powers, EU exports to China goes to enhance production quality of Chinese finished products which in turn acts as the biggest rivals for American goods in the world market.
Sizing upon this geoeconomics threat, Trump is not wasting any more time in indulgence with EU. Progressive curtailing of EU exports is therefore a feasible option to leverage US-EU trade balance and at the same time buy more goods from China cheaply.
In any case EU is going to be the net loser in this export-import framework. America increases her bargaining power vis-a-vis China and EU to continue contending with exports of intermediate goods to China. Value edition would be for the Chinese side, of course, but part of which can be transferred to America via price discounting.
That is the wonder in geoeconomics!
Muthu Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com
Blog: Business Strategist