In business competition, there is lot of smoke
screen. Goals of firms are described in glorious terms and specifically stated
and also owned by them as something great. But the real goals may be far from
what is, in fact, declared. Read more:
Similar in military warfare, goals of companies in business competition have hydra heads. To mislead the opponent Generals in the army describe what they are going for as aims or purposes in the enemy territory? Sometimes they make believe the opponents that operations are going to be underway in specific area with specific configuration. When the operations indeed commence, it is in a different place and a different ballgame altogether.
Firms do the same thing; they disclose unveiling of “Product X” and ready the market for receiving it. Competitors throw their caution to the winds by doing nothing because they are aware of the features and characteristics of Product X which is much similar to the ones they are already selling in the market. Boom! On the launch day Product X is nowhere to be seen. In its place the firm introduces a brand new innovative “Product Y” which has no parallels in the existing market and competitors need fairly long time to produce one that can match the features and functions of this newly introduced Product Y.
Transportation industry is the prime example where players need to have the ability to discern the real goal from the stated ones when faced with tricky business competition. Aircrafts, ships, railways and motor vehicles are key sectors where firms outfox their competitors in unveiling new products, making a big killing in their grossing!
Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
Blog: Business Strategist