Swing strategy originally introduced in stock trading focuses on profiting from trend changes in prices over short period of time within a fairly long time span. In business competition swing strategy is applied in the following manner:
1. Understand the market concentration of your opponent in a particular region or an area
2. Spot few locations where you can enter into, without much risk on your part
3. Assay the degree of concentration in terms of value, volume and the number of sales personnel allotted to, by your opponent in such locations
4. Hit one of the locations with your sales professional showcasing your competitive products and offering them at reduced prices in a make-shift store
5. Move away from this location temporarily
6. Once again hit the location with more sales personnel present and offer products along with incentives such as “buy one & get one free”
7. Do not prolong your presence
8. Again visit the same location but refrain from any sales activity, in contrary removing whatever remains of the make-shift store you used to operate at
9. Pretend that you are not interested in pursuing any more competition thereby putting the opponent at ease. Your opponent assumes that he has got the coast clear for him to do whatever he pleases
10. After the lapse of 6 to 8 weeks open your permanent stall with a big bang thereby swooping big time sales. Your opponent is rendered clueless while you are riding a great wave of victory.
Muthu Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com
Blog: Business Strategist