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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Alexander Dugin calls for arming Hezbollah and Houthis

This may be a news item. But the import cannot be lost on the strategists. Alexander Dugin the Russian philosopher has the ears of Putin and his establishment. He gives intellectual context while Archbishop Kirill provides spiritual guidance.

Putin flanked by these two heavyweights have put in motion the idea of weakening the west. Ukraine war was just a test. Beyond it lies the great design of Russian strategy to beat the West in their own game of cat and mouse. Assaying the world Putin sees Hezbollah doing phenomenally well. It has perfected the art of attrition warfare similar to the one adopted by General Mikhail Kutuzov against Napoleon during Russian invasion of (1812) forcing the Grande Armee to retreat with only one sixth of the original force spared. Hezbollah did the same thing in slightly different way. Weakening Israel slowly while retaining Hezbollah fire power intact.

Houthis on the other hand have transformed from zero to hero within the course of few moths where these nomadic Arab mountain dwellers shocked the entire west with their timely and precise attack on commercial shipping as well as military vessels that support Israel to persecute war in Gaza. More than sixty vessels have been attacked several of them sunk and few captured. In a way they have imposed a no-sail zone in Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Western Indian Ocean butting the sea lane to and fro the Gulf of Oman.

By arming both Hezbollah & Houthis Russia can achieve the following without putting Russian soldiers into the fray:

1.  Cost of marine insurance skyrockets for the western owned ships and sinking and damaging container ships as well as tankers would increase the compensation payment by insurers located in the west. These companies have stranglehold in global insurance sector by extension to geoeconomics.

2. Both exports from the west as well as imports into west is going to be too costly to afford and the West has to find a via media to survive in the competitive world. Lessening the export margin of the goods could possible react in lowering the standard of living in these countries and by extension their sway in geoeconomics.

3. There is going to be a split in the middle where Asian & African products would become cheaper and affordable to the extent that self-sufficiency within Afro-Asian continents would assist them to become chief players in the area of international trade and geoeconomics at the expense of the West especially countries like America, Germany and France which remain as perennial power houses today. This tectonic shift would place Afro-Asian nations in the forefront in geoeconomics power play. Russia of course carries the mantle. Behind we see the figures of Alexander Dugin and Orthodox Patriarch Krill smiling!




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist


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