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Tuesday 29 August 2023

BRICS Summit, surely change is coming

“Changes, the likes of which we haven't seen for 100 years are coming and we are the ones driving these changes together,” Xi told Putin as he stood at the door of the Kremlin to bid farewell after successfully concluding his state visit to Moscow in March 2023. Putin replied “I agree. Take care dear friend and have a safe trip back home”.

Recent BRICS summit reflects these changes. Here are the cherry picked statements from Vladimir Putin that underpin new directions towards changes in geoeconomics and geopolitics:

1. The strategic course of unification is directed towards the future and corresponds to the aspirations of the main part of the international community, the so-called world majority. Acting in a coordinated manner, on the principles of equality, partnership, support and respect for each other's interests, we deal with the most urgent issues on the global and regional agenda.

2. The main thing is that we are all unanimous for the formation of a multipolar world order that is truly fair and based on international law while respecting the key principles of the UN Charter, including sovereign rights and respect for the right of each nation to its own development model.

3. We are against any kind of hegemony that some countries promote because of their exclusivity and based on this postulate of a new policy - the policy of continuing neo-colonialism

4. Russia has decided to support people who are fighting for their culture, for their traditions, for their language and for their future.

Here are summary pointers made by Xi Jinping to emphasise concisely what Putin has elaborated:

1. BRICS countries should speed up the process of admitting new members to the association

2. BRICS countries should oppose economic coercion and focus on business cooperation

3. Development should not be a privilege reserved for a few nations. Hence, the global economic recovery still on shaky legs

4. The cold war mentality still exists today and that the geopolitical and geoeconomics situation leading to gloom.

5. The BRICS countries should actively mediate in sensitive issues, promote political solution

The bottom line is both Putin & Xi Jinping understand that geoeconomics is at critical juncture today and requires concerted effort on the part of BRICS countries to make the changes happen without any further ado!




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist




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