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Wednesday 15 May 2024

Should Iran enter nuclear fuel business?

When the controversy was raging some time ago regarding Iran nuclear issue International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) proposed that the Iranian stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) could be converted to nuclear fuel abroad.

Iranian administration objected to this vehemently and commenced the conversion process within Iran that would be turned into nuclear fuel domestically. For example Natanz is one such location where Iran succeeded in mastering the nuclear product cycle of enriching uranium to different levels. Although originally this level was fixed at 3.67 per cent — well below the level of enrichment required to make an atomic weapon, Iran improved her enrichment level using high capacity centrifuges. After passing 20% later exceeding to the critical level at 60% Iran is now cruising along more than 80%.  Besides, Natanz is the centre for her civilian nuclear programme.

Recent pronouncement by IRCG leaders indicate that Iran is ready to transfer civilian nuclear technology to counties that require it. Although this statement did not specifically say whether this is construction of civilian facilitates or merely supplying nuclear fuel one thing is certain: the stark truth of Iran being in a position to supply nuclear fuel for power plants in developing countries.

Iran, being at the threshold nuclear power could unveil a new scientific order in nuclear field where the established players Kazakhstan, Canada and Australia cannot compete with Iran in the quantum and most importantly on the price.

For America it is a better business strategy to diversify her energy supply sources. Now that restrictions are being placed as a consequence of Ukraine war on the import of Russian fuel cycle which is estimated to be around 20% of the total imports this quantum need be sourced from elsewhere.  Iran perhaps fits the bill provided of course, some form of intermediation is found similar to the Iran Contra Affair decades ago.

Business makes strange bed follows as does politics. Iran under the smoke screen of being near in exploding a nuclear device which anyway  she is barred by religious diktat to do so, is quietly pursuing large scale civilian nuclear programme targeted at turning out medicinal products, energy generation within Iran and nuclear fuel exports elsewhere.

If level heads prevail both in Tehran and Washington nuclear fuel from Iran to USA would be a win-win business strategy.




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist

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