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Wednesday 12 June 2024

Island as geoeconomics centre, few points

The famous quote by John Donne “No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent” is indeed a maxim but in geoeconomics an island can be ‘entire of itself’ and be unattached to a continent, provided that it has a powerful economy helping it to survive and continue as  power centre. More on this:

British Isles ruled the world, the extent of it even Alexander the Great or the all-conquering Mongol Tribes cannot even dream of. Any island is an enigma, because surrounded by an ocean is a strength and at the same time it can turn out to be a weakness. In ancient history we have learned about Greek Islands that held power over last extent of the territory elsewhere out of the shores. ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’, by Thucydides explains this aspect in lucid details. Here are few notable points of being an island unto itself:

1. Being an island begets twin vocations: shipbuilding and trade with the outside world. In order to protect inshore two segments become vital merchant navy and naval power. Britain did that splendidly during 18 to 20th centuries.

2. All  sea faring powers beginning with Portugal, Spain, France and Italy along with Britain had a great deal of political stability the highest of course was seen in British Isles because of it being an island not connected to a continent as in the case of the rest.

3. England became the earliest democracy compared to others mostly because of it being an island.

4. Fear of invasion by outside powers bedevilled most of the European power centres. Austro Hungarian Empire is a case in point.

5. Islands can easily transform into city states as Greek Islands demonstrated. Ireland is a modern version of this enjoying high degree of geoeconomics power mainly due to her industrialization and liberal policies.

6. Location & topography matter a lot in harnessing natural resources within.  Australia even though one of the five continents, is still a vast island totally washed by Indian, Pacific and Antarctic waters. She has put into motion multi sprogged development leveraging her resources in internal as well as external areas bringing enormous wealth to the country & her citizens.

7. Real estate development is yet another plus point where an island can easily surpass the rest of the world in terms of garnering cash flow for the government, entrepreneurs and fellow citizens. Malta comes to my mind in this regard.

Since geoeconomics ids the final arbiter every island should put into action a programme optimizing the interconnectivity between geography and economic both in internal and external dimensions.




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist


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