Two types of geoeconomics paths are embraced in the world: liberalism and authoritarianism. America and most of the European nations are pitched in following liberal democracy within their shore and spreading it outward. Authoritarianism is mainly seen in the Eastern part of the globe.
Today geoeconomics does not condone pure liberal economy or unadulterated command economy. A synthesis of these two is the newest trend in geoeconomics where authoritarian philosophy is mixed with public care. China and Russia are the main proponents of this blend. Countries such as Brazil and South Africa are slowly transforming into this milieu. Let me pinpoint few of the plus points of this combo, which I observed in China.
1. Control at the centre and care at the periphery
is what Chinese Communist Party stood for from early Fifties of the last century.
Under Mao it was public cantered ideology that brook no challenge to the
central authority and at the same time plugged on to foster community based economic development.
2. Confucianism was avidly followed within the societal norms insisting on loyalty and public good. Taoist philosophy was also implemented at even keel. In the Chinese culture blending yin and yang was sought after in working life as well as in home environment. Needless to say, quietening the public and providing public utilities at affordable price were the hallmarks.
3. Tiananmen Square protests ending in massacre of the protestors in the year 1989 opened the eyes of the authorities who gradually toned down harsh policies regarding pubic venting of their feelings. A via media was found in organizing local meetings where many fundamental issues facing the public in their day to day life were aired, discussed and recommendations were drawn and later submitted to the higher level authorities who in turn submitted these with suggested solutions to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
4. Chinese play Wei Chi whereas Chess is played globally. Chess deals with the concept of defeating the opponent. Wei Chi intends to get domain control making the contestant to withdraw rather than taste the sour defeat. Here lies the theme: persuade the opponent to concede and improve his prospects thereafter. Hiking it upwards Wei Chi is entertaining as a game and at the same time enlightening the players on their mental development.
5. Finally, the people to people interactions lead to scientific and technological development. Soft on the weakest is the central focus. Beginning from the manufacture of low technology products the scheme gradually elevates the people to engage in medium and later to high-tech industry. Once again there is oversight by the central authority, who use iron fist clothed in a velvet glove.
Muthu Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
Blog: Business Strategist
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