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Tuesday 3 December 2019

Five essentials for victory, apply the wisdom of Sun Tzu in your business

As a master of strategy Sun Tzu has given so many pearls of wisdom. One relates to the five essentials necessary for the military leader to achieve victory. These essentials can be easily incorporated in your business strategy while facing market competition:

I have given my interpretation as a business strategist under each of the five essentials so that you can get a knack of it and implement it right away:

1. He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight

Business cannot go on fighting on the same track forever. It was reported that CEO of Pepsi Cola voicing that their competition with Coca Cola need to be tempered with choosing when to fight and when to collaborate.

2.  He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces

Google made a policy decision not to engage in total war with every search engine operators. Allowing fair play is good for health of internet domain. They took it a level higher when they agreed to collaborate with Bing Web Master Tools where a one click can download details from Google Console to Bing, of course with permission granted by the authorised user.

3. He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks

Everyone in a firm must be a marketer. This slogan is often heard in staff training. Gaining and retaining customers is the job of everyone in successful companies. So most corporate leaders as well as small & medium business owners subscribe to this philosophy. Gone are the days when marketing was an exclusive fiefdom of sale guys.

4. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared

Being patient and still more important, being prepared to meet any eventuality is a sign of success of any firm regardless of its size and the intensity of competition it faces in the market place. In business strategy the bold move is always made when a firm is ready while the competitors taking it easy. When Huawei rolled out its pioneering 5G and started to give licenses to many operators worldwide it not only wiped out other Telco operators but added fat in the form of revenue of US$ 27 Billion in the first quarter 2019.

5. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign

Corporate leaders need unfettered authority to handle production and marketing function, which is all about value creation value delivery that brings out value capture. If the board of a company interferes with management on every conceivable action contemplated it amounts to pouring cold water on the enthusiasm of the staff. Sometimes the board splits the function of Chairman of board and CEO as Boeing did recently that has solicited negative response not only from the management but by the investing public too.

Muthu Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677

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