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Wednesday 11 November 2020

Attrition warfare in business competition

Attrition warfare is a military manoeuvre used extensively in battles and wars throughout history. In the East Generals of Chinese army followed it to great success. U S Civil War and both World Wars were fought in that line for successful conclusion. But how attrition warfare plays out in the field of business competition?

To answer this question one must appreciate the process of attrition war and the mechanics surrounding it. Attrition is a military process of wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse using massive firepower extensively and continuously causing losses in men and materials resulting in low morale on the part of adversary who either surrenders or escapes. 

There are eight aspects of attrition warfare as outlined by Major K P Anastas Armor in his monograph:

1. Attack on physical and human assets

2. Focused on tactical level

3. Oriented towards terrain

4. Deployment of forces breadthwise

5. Reserves in the hind is smaller

6. Adopt direct approach

7. Fight set battles

8. Positional movement to fire the enemy

As business competition today almost borders on business warfare, large companies resort to attrition as the business manoeuvre in taking on its opponents. This is carried out in the following lines:

1. Make offensive against the product & technology of the enemy directly (Items 1+6 as above)

2. Orient towards the contours of the market place and game the enemy mainly for tactical win that could damage and demoralize enemy quarters (Items 2+3 as above)

3. Deploy almost the entire  marketing team for this offensive who are tasked to move breadthwise making appropriate decisions according to changes in the environment but leaving fewer reserves of marketers behind for any other eventuality ( Items 4+5 as above)

4. Fight in conventional manner using promotion of self-product and demotion of enemy product in commonly set battle zone of business competition permissible as legal. The constant barrage of adverts and promos are undertaken in increasing tempo that too from the position of strength to cow down the opponents (Items 7+8 as above). 

Needless to say, attrition as business manoeuvre is the mantle of companies in Cola business, Passenger Airlines and many other fields where competition is intense and consequences are severe. 




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist


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