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Wednesday 21 April 2021

Seven mafia rules that every business must follow

It takes a long time to develop and enshrine coordinates of an effective business policy. Surprisingly the mafia can teach seven such business policy parameters to every company that competes for its share in the market. Here we go, catch the seven mafia rules:

1. Maintain dignity of your business and the shared culture of your company that made you to grow from humble beginning to the present heights which you have scaled so far without any blemish on your part

2. In all activities of your company, purchase of raw materials, manufacturing, finally marketing finished goods to your ultimate customers you must follow a code of conduct as if it is the gospel from the God. What we call as manual, this code of conduct gives you the moral strength to compete with your opponents in the market, because in the dog eat dog competition the first failure is the moral turpitude

3. Never lie. Speak the truth even if that hurts your chance of making the big deal you are working at present. You can take one customer for a ride. But the news spread like bushfire and you would be dismissed as a liar and looked down as a leper

4. Keep your appointment at any cost. For example you have agreed to meet up with a potential customer at a given place. Both time and place were confirmed and re-confirmed. Suddenly you wife develops labour pains. What you should do? Express regret and skip the appointment and take her to hospital or go to the meeting along with your next in command, discuss pertinent points and let him handle the nitty gritty and seek permission from the opposite side stating the situation you are in. Here you gain both the deal and respect from your opposites

5. Never promise what you cannot deliver. In business negotiation the key variable is the linear relationship between “talk the talk and walk the walk.” You talked high but failed to walk with it means you have literally destroyed the trust you and your company built over time. Whatever you promised must be reduced into writing and the notes compared between you and the counterpart so that it can be acted upon ASAP.

6. Use your resources, not abuse. One thing certain in life is all resources including time, talent and finance are limited in scope and quantity. A successful business policy mandates strict adherence to effective as well as efficient use of resources by all line managers. One abuse leads to another and so on, until most resources are depleted and you are still on the square one. This is the worst nightmare anyone can have in his career

7. No Excuses. Either you kill or get killed is the motto Western movies broad cast. The adage “failures are pillars of success”, is true only in limited circumstances. You have only one chance to say “Excuse me.’’ Put it differently, if you fail once it is your learning curve and if you fail again it is your trending curve.




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist



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