One positive thing Taliban takeover has done is to cause the disappearance of once ubiquitous warlords who are either banished or rendered useless. The speed in which they were vanquished speaks volume of Taliban way of conducting business. What is surprising most, is the genuflection of erstwhile warlords as peace loving doves.
Is this end of the road to warlordism? Let me trace two of the well-known warlords and their business strategy.
Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum
This battle hardened Marshal is of Uzbek descent and a darling of National Intelligence Organization of Turkey known by its Turkish initials MİT who has been in the scene from the time when Afghan King Mohammed Shah, was deposed in July 1973. His fiefdom was Jowzjan province. After Soviet invasion in 1979, Dostum became a key figure and partner in the Northern Alliance which fought Russians till their withdrawal in 1989 and the Taliban afterwards till 2001. He was the key ally for Americans who invaded Afghan in 2001.
His business strategy was based on divide and rule and using brutal power one against the other. He always got the lion share and gave out only a minor part to even his trusted allies. Employing skilled administrators he collected tributes from subjects under his watch. As a person charged with war crimes which he committed in such largesse, he was the first to get out, or perhaps MIT moved him out to Ankara. Where he failed was not sharing the loot in fair proportion and his wont of shifting alliance that finally put paid to him politically.
Atta Mohammed Nur
Considered the foremost richest warlord in the history of Afghan, Nur an ethnic Tajik often worked shoulder to shoulder with Marshal Dostum. However, he was careful enough not to get all bad publicity the latter had received from people and press. As a weather cock his business strategy is to get the spoils before others come and leave the spot before it becomes noted. Whichever the government in Kabul he played safe and remained above censure. He never left evidence to indict him for his wrongdoings, which are too numerous anyway.
His bright side is well known. As Governor of Balkh province during 2004 – 2018 one of the longest running officialdom held by any Afghan in the last few decades until Ashraf Ghani sacked him, he made his mark as an able administrator in the war-torn Afghanistan. His nickname “Teacher” was inscribed upon him due to his ability of coaching Mujahedeen to be excellent fighters during the war with Soviets.
When Talban was winning in August 2021, he briefly bolted out to Uzbekistan with Marshal Dostum. Later he returned to Mazar e- Sharif and has renounced all violence and warlordism. He is priming once gain for a political office under incoming Taliban administration. The immense dirty lucre that he has amassed so far has become his Achilles Heel today. Hence safeguarding his wealth was then and now remains prime focus of his business strategy.
Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
Blog: Business Strategist