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Thursday 9 September 2021

Why Trumpism hates losers?

President Donald Trump is neither a phenomenon nor inventor of the so called Trumpism that was centred on the negative attitude towards losers. It has been in the American psyche for the last two and half century. In the modern era it was Ronald Reagan who made this as vital part of American conservatism.  Trump did something extra ordinary: he made it the official policy of American Presidency.

Undercurrents of the idea of dividing people into two groups, winners and losers are found in Holy Bible as well as in the path breaking book by Max Weber titled “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, where he traces how Calvinism spread the gospel of modern day capitalism that seeks to accumulate wealth by employing people to work and engage in trade only on the basis of making profit without worrying about the wellbeing of society. In doing so the artificial boundary of winners & losers was created where those accumulated wealth became winners and those who failed were dismissed as losers. Here began the rat race that now encompasses the entire gamut of geoeconomics.

In America, in addition to the profit motive, the concept of USA Exceptionalism slowly crept into the upper class which would care nothing for fairness in terms of wealth accumulation or the use of tools for denial of culpability on the part of the elites. So much so USA did not recognize International Criminal Code or the Courts that administer it. Nor did she sign on the Law of the Sea convention. By this USA reserved for her the prerogative of free dealing in crimes & punishment throughout the world. 

Here is the architecture of USA hegemony based on the hatred of losers: 

1. God is with the winners and not with the losers who must carry the totem pole. The rich as winners inherit wealth as they are blessed by God. The poor on the other hand are condemned and they inherit the earth

2. Power projection is carried out by being assertive and being given the licence to kill, maim and devastate losers because all faults must be squarely placed on the latter, whom be nailed to the cross

3. Individualism is the driving force. In fact Max Waber laments the fact that wealth orientation disregarded the societal responsibility as abject capitalism spread in the Northern Europe

4. Chinese extoll the virtue of Yin-Yang equilibrium. USA conservatism however, decried any such balancing instead promoted Yang, Macho, Rambo movies by Sylvester Stallone

5. Winners are qualified to be leaders in geoeconomics, politics and in the corporate world. Losers have to compromise and pay subservience to the former lest they be expelled from the room

6. Profit remains the mantra and winning is the path to glory. Loss makers are stigmatised, at best they are pushed down in the rank and at worst dubbed as “Suckers” as Donald Trump often called them.

7. Finally, social integration is conditioned by the class to which winners and also-rans (who number more but yearn to be in the first slot) belong, but where is humanity? 

Trumpism brought to the fore the idea America First, as yet another way of expressing hatred towards losers. Although Trump is out of office, Trumpism reigns supreme because America as a whole believe in winning only and even if there is going to be slight aberration such as Afghan debacle, USA Exceptionalism would re-write it as winning. Hollywood will do the best. The jury is out there as to who would challenge USA Exceptionalism or for that matter American geoeconomics muscle?




Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist


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