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Monday 28 March 2022

Biden declares war against Putin, in Warsaw

“For God’s sake this man (Putin) cannot remain in power” thundered Joe Biden the POTUS in Warsaw, Poland. That means he has effectively declared war against Putin but not against Russia. This is the first time an American President has made such a threat against a sitting leader of any country. What is behind all these?

America realized lately that she has lost the narrative in Ukraine where the conflict is raging much to the chagrin of America and the West. Russians are advancing, consolidating and using pincer movements that were made famous in the World War II successfully. The plot of having Ukraine in NATO is unravelling, so to speak. 

So what the solo Superpower can do. She can choose either confront a nuclear armed Russia one to one or with the coalition of willing, a selected bunch of nations in NATO, EU and elsewhere. But this is apocalypse as Russian hypersonic missile can make short work of globe in a jiffy. Or choose a stratagem of engineering colour revolution, this time in Russia proper.

Biden appears to be a joker to the rest of the world trying to make this type of explosive comments that you generally hear when heavy weight boxers boast before entering the ring. But there is a method in the madness of the PORUS. 

He is following time tested communication strategy that intends to generate one or more of the following reactions from those whom the message is   targeted:

1. For domestic audience:  Guys we are strong we can finish off Putin if he is trying to be funny. By this Biden appeals to the mind of American exceptionalism. 

2. For Russian Mafia & Oligarchs. It is time for regime change, you guys move up and settle with Putin, so that, America can work with a puppet or drunk like Yeltsin. 

3. For the Poles, a little bit of gung ho, you guys are great; now get ready to do something about Polesie and Vollhynia regions in the western Ukraine where Poland has territorial disputes and most people living there are of Polish origin.

4. For the global audience, Hey, there, do not mess with us. You know the fate of Saddam, Gadhafi et al. So toe our line and impose all the sanctions we have promulgated so far against Russia. 

But before the second message that is regime change gets delivered to the hall of power in Kremlin, White House has promptly walked back with an official explanation: “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbours or the region.  He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”

The rest were delivered in good order!



Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist


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