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Thursday 24 March 2022

Russia Ukraine war, how Bismarck got it right?

Otto von Bismarck knew Russia like the back of his hand. He had in his mind total image of Russia in understanding her politics, economics and military affairs. The West is orchestrating Bismarck in Russia-Ukraine theatre. Read more:

How to weaken Russia? Bismarck the strategist nails it down: “The power of Russia could be undermined only by separating Ukraine from it. Furthermore, Ukraine should not only be torn away from Russia but also set against Russia. We should play off one part of the single nation against the other and watch one brother killing the other”.

Of course, Bismarck understood that Ukraine is part and parcel of Great Russia. In fact the word Ukraine means gate. For centuries Ukraine played the role of entry into and exit from Russia proper as the land mass remained the only connectivity between Russia and the west. All three countries, Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia (now Belarus) consists of Eastern Slavic people with almost similar language, religion and cultural characteristics. Besides the people living therein are heroic in nature and have proved to be effective soldiers.

But previous attempts to provoke major hostilities between Russia and Ukraine during the two world wars did not fruition. Neither major insurgency took place under the Soviet rule. The opportunity knocked on the doors of NATO when Ukraine was allowed to go independent after Soviet Russia was dismantled in 1991. 

From that date Ukraine continued to remain in the doldrums and economically a basket case. In February 2014, a colour revolution was orchestrated by CIA led rightist rebels who were mainly Nazi sympathisers. Since then there is no daylight lost between Russia and Ukraine. Neither the Wet hesitated to pump in arms, ammunitions, money and expertise to get these two nations to lock horns and fight the bloodiest war since the WWII. 

The West is using divide et impera strategy to make both Russia and Ukraine demolish each other. What could finally happen is the people’s power that would ultimately dismantle Ukraine and bring major parts of the present Ukraine absorbed into Mother Russia!



Muthu Ashraff Rajulu

Business Strategist

Mobile: + 94 777 265677


Blog:   Business Strategist



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