Similar in marketing, business strategy has also
five Ps. In defining strategy Henry Mintzberg introduced perspective, plan,
pattern and position that amounts to 4 Ps. Fred Nickols, a seasoned business
strategist introduced the remaining one as ploy. Here is concise explanation of
each of the five Ps:
Perspective: As the primary P, it explains the vision and
directions a business takes in progression towards the end state. Vision is
much broader than direction, true enough. Yet vision gives expression to business
concept that so far remained as theoretical one to transform into practical
one. Direction on the other hand germinates from business policy that sets the
guidelines and norms that impact the conduct of any business.
Plan: Although secondary to perspective, plan is a
precise statement that explains how to go from here to there. It explains the
journey and indicates the ends to be achieved with the means in hand and with
the ways to use the means effectively and efficiently. This plan identifies the
mileposts besotted in the journey and how progression takes place in gradual
Position: As third P, position is an unassailable
mid-point where demand –supply dynamics gets played out. On the demand side is
the market position evolved from the understanding of market needs. Supply side
indicates the product-service that is offered to the market. Subsequently, such
position can morph into market leadership and/or product leadership.
Pattern: Business strategy displays varied
patterns some are stunning and unknown. A trained business strategist can
pre-plan a pattern by bringing out innovation that are either breakthrough or disruptive.
Secondly, pattern can emerge over a period of time where firm finds out, for
example, high-end product to go with high-end market to sustain both market and
product leadership.
Ploy: Main function of business strategy is to hide
the real intention. It is an accepted fact that firm cannot hide its production
capability or capacity but it must make all efforts to couch strategy in such
terms that competitors cannot find out the underlying intention. Ploy has
another role. Fred Nickols says resources are deployed in business strategy and employed in business
tactics to bridge the gap between ends and means.
Ashraff Rajulu
Business Strategist
Mobile: + 94 777 265677
Blog: Business